Deep foundations technologies as well as the use of geosynthetics are well established ways to tackle challenges in foundation works on soft ground. But how about combining both, generating synergies and advantages for the client?
Last year’s annual general meeting of the EFFC in Berlin gave Huesker a platform to inform and discuss about possibilities and limitations within the application of geosynthetics in the field of special foundations. After a brief introduction into basic properties and the behaviour of individual product groups it was analysed that there are a number of applications where geosynthetics are already used in special foundations or in combination with it.
Most obvious application areas being identified are the use in construction of temporary access roads and working platforms, the validation of global stability of embankments in connection with ground improvement, the construction of horizontally reinforced raft-foundations over piles or the execution of Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC).
Besides highlighting most actual aspects with regard to the design of those applications it was discussed whether geosynthetics could furthermore make sense e.g. to help preventing excess consumption of concrete during piling works and the installation of rock anchors. Geosynthetic sleeves could also be a way to reduce the magnitude of negative skin friction and therefore enable are safer or more economical design of piled foundations. Another interesting application could be seen in the use of geosynthetic tubes for dewatering of mineral or organic sludge which might arise during deep excavation works or which would be present in reclamation projects of polluted sites.
Geosynthetics have developed into a group of reliable and cost-effective construction materials which can contribute to optimize design and execution of deep foundation works.
To view Huesker’s presentation please click Geosynthetics in Special Foundations_EFFC-Anunual Meeting 2015
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