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EFFC Talks: People-Plant Interface
The European Federation of Foundation Contractors has started a new series of webinars; EFFC Talks, which will address health and safety topics specific to the special foundations sector.
Presented by Lorenzo Alessi (Health, Safety, Environmental Director at Soletanche Bachy & EFFC H&S Working Group Chair) and Javier Vaca Fuente (Health, Safety, Environmental Director at Rodio Kronsa), this free, 30-minute interactive webinar focused on, People-Plant Interface, which is recognised as one of the key fatal risks within construction and features in most sites top 5 safety risks.
This first EFFC Talk addressed and discussed hazards, risk, preventive measures and good practices associated with interface of heavy plant, equipment and people on the job site.

Lorenzo Alessi
Lorenzo Alessi holds an Environmental Engineering degree from Politecnico di Milano, Italy and a post-graduate diploma in Environmental Health & Safety Management from Niagara College, Canada. Lorenzo began his career in 2005 in the oil & gas industry covering international Health, Safety & Environmental roles for major engineering consulting and oil & gas service companies. In 2014 he joined Soletanche Bachy Group as QHSE Director and has been chairing the EFFC Health & Safety Working Group since 2019. Very passionate for occupational Health & Safety, Lorenzo strongly believes that Health & Safety excellence is about engaging with people and inspiring behavioural change.

Javier Vaca Fuente
Javier Vaca Fuente is Health, Safety and Environmental Director at Rodio Kronsais. He is also a member of AETESS, the Spanish Foundation Federation, where he serves as Working Group Chair.
Javier has over 20 years’ experience within buildings and foundations and has been involved in health and safety within the European Federation of Contractors since 2016. He is motivated by the premise, “Safety is a game that never ends”, and continues to build upon his passion for foundations day by day.