By José Candela
Dear Members and Colleagues. Dear friends of the EFFC.
I started in the EFFC belonging to the TWG, as the representative of the Spanish Federation, in the early nineties. A few years later, I initiated my participation on the CWG, exchanging technical issues for commercial tasks. At that time, I had the good fortune, professionally and personally speaking, of knowing Manfred Stocker, David Sherwood and Gian Luigi Trevisani. My warm regards for them.
I like my profession, Civil Engineer, and Geotechnical Engineering in particular. The EFFC has contributed to complete my fondness for it.
Since 2007, I have been attending the EC and Council, and from 2011 as Officer of the Federation.
I would like to thank the 2011 Executive Committee for trusting me as a member of the Officers Committee, my Federation AETESS and my colleagues for their support.
At this moment, it is an honor for me to take on the responsibility of the Presidency of the EFFC. I believe in Europe and in EFFC.
I will try to do my best at all times to ensure that the EFFC provides whatever is needed to the National Federations and, in the end, to the foundations companies to improve their activities.
I want to express my gratitude to Hans-Joachim Bliss for his dedication, initiative and energy, as president, during his period.
Thank you so much Hans for your contribution and I am sure you are going continue, as past president, to do your best for the Federation.
I remember the AGM in Berlin in 2015 when Hans was appointed to president, he said “I have learned from Chris Primett that the President has to lead a Federation and not a company, which requires a different approach”.
Regarding this point, I will also follow the advice of Stefano Trevisani.
The political and social stage in Europe shows instability in some of its governments, or conflicts, like we have now in Spain, or in other countries like the UK with the “Brexit” process.
It is time to join, not to separate.
Now, more than ever, we must make an effort to cooperate between EU countries to be able to achieve a more stable situation regarding Social Welfare and the Economy.
At this point, it is where the EFFC should be able to contribute a small grain of sand to improve the relations between the special foundations contractors, clients and stakeholders.
Therefore, EFFC must go ahead maintaining its MISSION, which is as you know; “promote the common interest of its Members” and their OBJECTIVES:
• Improve standards of workmanship, technical competence, safety and innovation.
• Create and maintain an effective networking amongst the Members of the Federation and with its Stakeholders.
• Express the point of view of its members with the European Commission, Authorities, Professional Institutions and other Federations and Third Parties.
Following that previous guidelines, I consider the next lines of actions:
• Maintain in the TWG our participation and influence, as much as possible, on the standards committees that may impact our business.
• Keep the promotion of Task Groups to share different experiences and develop useful guides. This will help us to guarantee the quality of our procedures. On this point the mission of the TWG and H&SWG is essential.
• Promote technical presentations on technological developments, safety and management of our activities. This would help to be able to make the contribution of the EFFC more attractive to its members, to maintain its interest, and the possibility to get associate members in the future. For instance, once for each CWG or EC meeting.
• Support our members to represent them in the Institutions that may influence in their activities and emphasise the importance of geotechnical work in the construction industry. Keep in contact and participate with FIEC, focusing on tasks of our interest.
• Promote the participation of the YOUNG PROFESSIONALS in the federation, for example, counting on them to help feed and update the content of our website.
• Strengthen the sustainability matters supporting our CO2 foot print group as a task that is impacting in our contracts. This should be an important topic for the CWG.
Finally, I would like to remember and appreciate all the people who have contributed to the evolution and progress of the EFFC, from the beginning, as all the past Presidents: P. Thornton, J. Benatar, P. Arz, G-L. Trevisani, G. Matras, D. Sherwood, M. Stocker, P. Runacher, P. de Kort, M. Bottieau, S. Trevisani, C. Primett and H-J. Bliss; as well as representatives from Federations like M. Ziller, H. de Koning or L. Rande; and specially to Dianne Jennings, who has participated as Secretary, from the beginning up to 2013.
In the same way, I would also like to thank all the volunteer colleagues, from National Federations and companies, who have participated in the past and are now attending to the WG and other meetings.
All of them, represent the spirit of our Federation.
I would like to count on all of our Members to maintain that spirit, transmitting it to the new young participants, and joining all of our efforts to keep our activity at the top of the construction sector.
Thank you.
José Candela
President of the EFFC